Black Forest Sustainable


Working Method

Cocoa short crust
  • Use the mimetic incorporation at room temperature.
  • In a mixing bowl with a paddle attachment, mix all ingredients together.
  • Laminate the dough at 3 mm and cut to a diameter 1cm bigger than themousse.

Cocoa Sponge
  • Whip all ingredients together for 6 minutes at high speed.
  • Spread on one tray 60X40 and bake.

Soaking syrup
Bring water and sugar to a boil. let cool down and add the starfruit griotte

Pipe the Topfil in a half-sphere silicon mould and freeze.

Chocolate mousse
  • Warm-up the festipak to 80C pour over the chocolate.
  • Cool down to 35C.
  • Add the lightly whipped passionata.

Chocolate Shavings
Spread a thin layer of tempered chocolate on a marble slab let it set before scapping.

  • Pre-soak the gelatin and water for at least 15mn.
  • Warm up the glucose and milk to a boil.
  • Pour over the chocolate and gelatin mass.
  • Add the miroir neutre.
  • Use an immersion blender for a good emulsion.
  • Let it set at least 12hours before using.
  • Use the glaze in between 35 to 40C on a mousse at -18 to -20C


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